Kerry's Blog

Back to School and Back to Business

September 3, 2024

There is joy & comfort in a routine. The lazy, hazy days of summer are behind us. Structured days are on the way, with that comes a sense of stability & routine.

Tips for Establishing Healthy Routines:

1) Create Routines; morning routines, after school activities & transportation responsibilities, and evening “wind-down” routines.

2) Home Organization; Set up dedicated spaces for work, study, and relaxation for everyone in the household.

3)  Routine in Mental Well-being; routines contribute to mental well-being and provide a sense of control and predictability in daily life.

4) Routines for Success in School and Work; Routines can set the stage for success, both academically and professionally. Regular study times, consistent work hours, and scheduled breaks contribute to better performance and focus.

5) Balancing Routine with Flexibility; It is important to balance routine with flexibility. Leave room in your calendar for Pop-Up fun and activities.

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