Spring Cleaning yourself and your “stuff”
March 13, 2023It’s time to clean out and clear out my office. My purpose for this yearly Spring event is to Reduce, Reuse or Recycle my collections of “stuff”! The goal at the end is for everything to have a place and a purpose. You need to sort things into piles and my piles are…
I am a labeler (is that a word?) Now it is… Here are my labels for my piles:
- Archive (some things are just worthy of keeping)
- Optimize (some things need to be used now… and put into action)
- Repurpose (some things need to be used again, everything old is new again!)
You will come out of this activity with a clearer idea of what you have, what you like, and what you need to use and of course what doesn’t make the “keep” pile!
Spring Cleaning is rewarding to me. Going through the stuff forces me into a Marie Kondo-esqe way to get things in order and where everything belongs in both my mind and my shelves! In the end there is a place for everything and everything in its place!
Categorised in: Kerry Mulcrone