Kerry's Blog

Live a Front Row Life!

January 27, 2022

I just love this statement… Don’t we always want a front row seat for the best view? Who chooses to be in the cheap seats?!

The cost of missing out is much greater than the expense of the upgrade to Front Row or better yet First Class! The question is do we pay for the upgrade or create the upgrade ourselves to the front row?

As life gets faster and sometimes a little messier, we still need to be in the front row to see the best things and experience the best ride! Create Front Row experiences that bring joy to your life. Maximize Moments and attach more meaning to the circumstances you are in.

I remember being at a concert and seeing how much fun the front row was having. I then looked at who I was with and where I was sitting; it didn’t matter near as much as the joy I was having with the people I was with!  I maximized the moment and instantly I was having my own “Front Row Experience”. The exact same concert had different reactions from different sections with the same audience because of how they each showed up!

My takeaway here is that in order to live a “Front Row Life” you need to make the most out of every moment, which requires awareness and a conscious approach to life. Live in the moment, be active, and participate and then you will live the life of your choice.

I choose a “Front Row Life” everyday! After all, we don’t always have to be shouting loudly in the front row to be appreciating everything around us! Go ahead live quietly in your row and make it a “Front Row Life” full of joy and happiness


I invite you to join me at the International Builder’s Show in YOUR “Front Row Seat”

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See you at the Show!

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