Kerry's Blog

‘Twas the Day After Thanksgiving!

November 26, 2021

‘Twas the day after Thanksgiving….. And all through the house not a belly was empty nor a blessing ungiven.

Hello CWK friends! I didn’t forget you but rather waited to share my thoughts after a day of blessings, hugs, and gratefulness!

On this “Family and Friends” Day let us cherish the gift from our Lord… all of you! I cherish, respect, and admire all of you in a million little ways especially today from the reminders of yesterday.

Thanksgiving is over, Hanukkah is upon us and soon the Christmas season begins, but let’s all remember the reason for these seasons. Whatever your faith, upbringing or beliefs are; I believe we are all good in our own way.

Spread cheer and joy as we approach a year end that has had its ups and downs. Be grateful for at least one thing every single day and most importantly love hard and pray harder…it feeds the soul in ways you could never imagine.

Looking forward to December with all of you but living in the moment of joy in having you as my loyal friends and subscribers.

Tips to show Gratitude:

~ Don’t be too fussy, it’s all good…

~ Find graciousness even in your challenges

~ Practice saying “thank you” 10 times a day

~ Find somewhere or someone to volunteer with

~ Find someone to help, don’t wait for them to ask

~ Be easy on yourself….be grateful for who you are!

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