Kerry's Blog

The Pace of the Pack is set by the Pace of the Leader!

April 28, 2021

Recently on our Builder Town Hall this quote came up and resonated with me in a different kind of way! In today’s world of; “I want it quicker, faster and better” no matter what the current conditions of the industry are from our customers point of view, it makes me realize that WE need to be the leader and THEY are the pack!

How do we best serve our “Pack?”  Set the pace… Set the Expectation… Stay on pace by communicating.

When I say communication, it does not necessarily mean with new information but rather with “I care, so therefore I communicate”

When you care enough to give the best (like Hallmark says), you are timely, and meaningful in your correspondence and customers appreciate that.

Does a Birthday Card a day late, or an Anniversary card late have the same meaning as on time??? NO! Be timely with your calls that show you care!

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