Kerry's Blog

March Madness

March 1, 2021

Happy March 1st, also known as the month of “March Madness”  All of us in New Home Sales can attest to that fact this year especially. For some of you it is your Spring Parade of Homes, for some it is your Spring Tours, but for all of us it is “ Time to Think Spring and Capitalize”

5 Ways Capitalize on our Spring New Home Sales Trends

  1. Anticipate change. I frequently remind clients that the only constant is CHANGE… Embrace it and go with it!
  2. See it coming. Know what cost increases and homesite availability is ahead of you and prepare yourself and your buyers.
  3. Distinguish between short-lived pain and long-term gains. Delays and closing dates movement are short term!
  4. Put solutions in place. People are more afraid to make a wrong decision than to purchase! Waiting is for the timid; be strong.
  5. Know your competitive advantage. What makes you best, different and the right Choice!

Join us tomorrow for Builder Town Hall to learn how to Capitalize on this New Home Sales Madness.  Click HERE to register

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