Kerry's Blog

Milestone Moments!

September 14, 2020

Today we will not talk about Motivation, Education or Sales…my favorite 3 topics.  What?! No talking about sales?!  We are going to talk about what are you doing after the sale?

I am seeing around the country plenty of sales. What I am not seeing is the processes to protect the customer experience after the sale.

Lets define embedded touch-points; your company’s personal brand “Points of Customer Contacts” from start to finish. A touch-point is anytime you and your customer come in contact with each other in some fashion.

You need to think through the touch-points your buyers are experiencing 1) before the sale 2) after the sale 3) during the construction process 4) prior to closing 5) after closing.

Attending to these “Milestone Moments” will ensure you happier more satisfied, ready to refer customers!  Ready Set Go…

Determine one simple touch-point from each area in your company who faces a customer.

  1. Website
  2. Sales
  3. Design/Selections
  4. Construction
  5. Closing/Title

If these people all create one simple personal touch-point of value, you will immediately see results in customer satisfaction and surveys!

Go touch someone’s life today, they will be grateful that you did.


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