Kerry's Blog

Virtual Meeting “Expecations”

April 6, 2020

This week I am taking a shot of my own caffeine! I have been doing so many Zoom meetings lately, hoping to meet the expectations and needs of everyone, only to realize everyone’s expectations and needs vary day to day based on current circumstances.

This new paradigm shift in “Meeting” has me understanding that if I give or get one nugget from any one person, I have met the needs and expectations of someone and myself!  Pretty cool…

Today’s Virtual Gold Nugget: “Choose your path wisely!”

There are two paths available to us in today’s environment. The first wider path simply gets us by for the day, it’s called  survival. That’s an OK path on some days but not every day. Look for the narrower more uncharted, tougher path and go above and beyond. Do More. Enjoy More.  BE MORE!


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Kerry Mulcrone

Ahh February!

Caffeine with Kerry

Grace, Gratitude and Gentleness

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