Kerry's Blog

Start 2019 with a Bang!

December 14, 2018

As we approach the end of another year, now is the time to reflect back on what worked well for your Personal and Professional Life!  

Planning, Managing and Measuring is the key to S-U-C-C-E-S-S!

Many people think about balance when they start to write a Personal and Professional business plan.  I believe that balance doesn’t really work… it’s kind of like multi- tasking is a myth??  When you multi-task you are simply prioritizing one activity or another and trying to balance them all.  Often times the result is that nothing is done to its fullest or best potential.  

I believe we need counterbalance in life and business… 

The most important aspect of writing a Personal & Professional Business Plan is to make a private date with yourself without distractions! 

  1. Begin your plan with 2018 reflections
  2. Move into planning deciding, activating your year.
  3. Measure and Manage quarterly
    1. Miss a step and you miss the opportunities for a successful, profitable and prosperous 2019.

We do not attract what we want, we attract WHO WE ARE!

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