Kerry's Blog

Juggle like a Mom

September 4, 2018

Caffeine for today comes with thoughts of back to school.  Juggle like a mom. Meticulously manage your time. Keep a list. Stay organized. Get everything ready the night before. Be relentless in protecting your reports. Get a lot done every day. Be on time. Stay Healthy. Don’t complain. And do all this with a smile on your face!

Moms have every job that exist in great organizations. Moms are always on stage, no day off, ringmaster, nurturer, doctor, nurse, example setter, bar raiser, coach, mentor, teacher, protector corrector, applauder, chef, chauffeur, smile maker and hugger!
These people and others that serve in a role like this with their “special persons even if not by birth” are invaluable in every way to any organization!

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